Course Delivery

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear expectations for faculty and students regarding course delivery options. Bellin College recognizes the expanded opportunities online learning environments provide students and instructors.

Online components are a part of every course at Bellin College. The following are the definitions of the three delivery options:

Face-to-Face: Course activity is organized around scheduled class meetings that occur in a physical classroom setting. Face-to-face courses may also include web-enhanced course activities which complement in-person classroom sessions without reducing the number of class meetings.

Hybrid: Course activity is organized around a blend of scheduled face-to-face meetings and online instruction. Typically, between 30 and 70% of the course activities occur online. Those activities can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

Online: All course activity is completed online; those activities can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

Asynchronous online and hybrid courses are not completed at your own pace. Students are required to follow the course schedule and complete activities and assignments by the designated due dates. The Academic Deans/Directors and the Instructional Design Specialist will provide faculty with guidance, oversight, and approval throughout the online and hybrid course development process. All courses will utilize the College’s standard Canvas templates.