Student Behavior Conduct Hearing Procedures

The purpose of the Student Behavior Conduct Hearing Procedures policy is to ensure an equal and fair process for student issues related to violating the Bellin College policies, values, and student foundational behaviors.

All aspects of the Student Conduct Hearing Procedure are confidential. All parties, students, and employees are required to exercise confidentiality and privacy in relation to all verbal and written communications.

Conflict of Interest

In the event of any conflict of interest which will be identified through self-declaration by any of the members, the individual will remove themselves from the Student Conduct Hearing. The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging (or designee) will rule on any challenges regarding conflict of interest.


The actions of undergraduate and graduate/professional students are expected to be consistent with the standards of conduct, core values, and student foundational behaviors.

Hearing Preparations

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging(or designee) will be in contact with the student who has been accused of misconduct within five business days of the report.

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging (or designee) will review all suspected misconduct and will decide if a hearing is necessary. The student has the right to request a hearing for due process.

The hearing will be scheduled if needed within five to ten business days after contact with the student in question.

Hearing Body

The complainant, victim (if different from the complainant), the respondent, the witnesses (if any), the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging (or designee), appropriate program director and/or appropriate dean will be invited to attend the hearing.


An electronic or other verbatim record will be made of all hearings. This record will be retained for one month following the hearing or until the conclusion of any appeal process, whichever is longer. The record will then be destroyed, except in cases of suspension and expulsion, when the electronic record shall be retained with the student’s record.

At the beginning of the hearing, introductions will be made. The respondent will be informed of standards alleged to have been violated which may include student policies, student foundational behaviors, etc.

The complainant/victim will be asked to describe what happened, and the respondent will have the opportunity to respond.

If witnesses are necessary, they will be asked to describe what happened beforehand to collect evidence, and the respondent will have a chance to respond.

All communication between the respondent, complainant, victim, and witnesses will be directed to the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging or designee.

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging, appropriate program director, and/or appropriate Dean may ask questions of any respondent, complainant, or witness during the hearing.


At the conclusion of the hearing, the respondent, complainant, and witnesses will be asked to leave the room. These individuals will not be present during the deliberations of the decided plan of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging appropriate program director, and/or appropriate Dean. Deliberations will begin immediately following the hearing and a decision will be made within five business days.


The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging will use the Student Performance Plan (SPN) to communicate and document the outcomes of the hearing. If a student is found to have violated Bellin College’s policies, student foundational behaviors, etc., disciplinary action will be taken against the student. The following are examples of consequences that may be imposed if a student is found responsible for violations of the Bellin College Student Foundational Behaviors/Code of Conduct:

  1. College Monitoring
  2. Probation
  3. Dismissal
  4. Limitations of Activities
  5. Loss of Privileges

Appeals Process

If the student believes that the process and procedures outlined in this policy were not followed correctly or that the process was unfair an appeal may be submitted to the President/CEO in writing. The Appeals  Form is located in the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging's office.

The student has 14 business days of the outcomes to file an appeal to the President/CEO or designee(s). The president/CEO or designee(s) ill review all documents, communications, etc. or meet with the student, administrator and supervisor, or the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to determine whether the process and procedures were followed.

The President/CEO may render one of the following decisions:

  • Finds evidence of violation of the process and procedures of this Policy, the President/CEO will direct the administrator to review the case anew.
  • Finds no evidence of violation of the process and procedures of this Policy; the President/CEO will uphold the ruling.

The President/CEO will respond, in writing, within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal. The decision of the President/CEO is final and not appealable.