Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal regulations require each College to establish and consistently apply both a qualitative and quantitative method of measuring a student’s progress toward degree/program completion. Students are required to meet such standards in order to be eligible for federal, state, and institutional aid programs. These standards measure a student’s performance in the following three areas: completion rate, cumulative Bellin GPA and maximum time allowed. The following SAP policy applies to all students enrolled at and receiving financial aid (Title IV and Non-Title IV aid) from Bellin College regardless of enrollment status, program of study, etc. Please note: that SAP standards for financial aid are separate from academic standards set by the College.

To view the entire SAP policy as approved by the US Dept of Education, please download the PDF.

General Guidelines

  • Unless otherwise noted, all students regardless of enrollment status or program are subject to identical standards under this policy.
  • SAP will be checked by the Director of Financial Aid at the end of each enrollment term, including summer and interim terms.
  • Students may be placed on financial aid warning or probation but not on academic probation or vice versa. See the student handbook for more information on Academic Probation.
  • Only those transfer courses included on the official credit evaluation AND courses taken while enrolled at Bellin College (including those taken at and transferred from other institutions) as part of the current degree program are used in the SAP calculation. Courses accepted for transfer from any other institution and used to meet Bellin College degree requirements are included in the Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame calculations. This applies to any courses taken at any institution other than Bellin College at any point prior to or during the student’s enrollment at Bellin College for courses used to meet degree requirements at Bellin College.
    • Transfer courses accepted at the time of admission will be included on the official credit evaluation completed by the Bellin College Admissions office as determined from official transcripts obtained as part of the admissions process. These courses will be counted as both attempted and earned.   
    • Courses taken at another institution in any term while enrolled at Bellin College to be used to meet Bellin College degree requirements will be included in the Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame calculations. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Registrar receives an official transcript for all transfer courses upon completion of the course(s). An official transcript must be received within four weeks of completing the course (end of the applicable enrollment term). These courses will be counted as attempted and may be either earned or not earned based on the assigned grade (a grade of C or better is required to accept a course as transfer). 

Summer and Winter Interim Terms

It is understood that not all students are enrolled in summer or interim terms. However, if a student enrolls during such a term, courses taken during these terms are included in the SAP calculations provided those courses are used to meet degree requirements at Bellin College. Graded Bellin College courses will be included in the earned/attempted ratio and included in the GPA calculation. Courses which are strictly clinical in nature (pass/fail) will count towards the credits earned/attempted ratio, but do not affect the GPA. Courses taken at other institutions to transfer to meet Bellin College degree requirements will be included in the earned/attempted ratio, but not affect the GPA. Students are responsible for ensuring that the Registrar receives the appropriate official transcripts as noted above.