Safety and Security

Bellin College is committed to the safety and security of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Security is provided during all hours of operation. During the entire year, there are security personnel on campus when students have access to the buildings. For assistance during regular business hours (Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), contact security at 920-433-6672. Security personnel will also be patrolling the campuses during operating “nonbusiness” hours (evening and weekend hours), stationed at the reception desks at both locations. The Resch desk can be reached at 920-433-6698. The Mike Van Asten desk can be contacted at 920-433-4316. The security coordinator’s office is in room L-48 on the Resch location.

Please do not assume that someone else has reported criminal activity. When contacting security, students should be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Location of the incident being reported.
  • A description of the scene and suspects.
  • A description of any vehicles involved in the incident, especially a license plate number.

Like all academic institutions, Bellin College is required to publish campus crime and security information on a yearly basis. The 2024 Annual Security Report, reflecting statistics for 2023, showed zero arrests, violations, or criminal incidents on campus. A crime log for the previous 60 days is available to all visitors, students, and employees at either front desk or here. A log for activity beyond 60 days is available upon request and must be supplied within 2 business days of the request.

Weapons on Campus

The College campus is a weapon-free environment. No weapons are allowed in any of the College buildings.

It is Bellin College’s policy that all persons (except law enforcement personnel) are prohibited from carrying or possessing weapons anywhere on College property, regardless of whether the person is licensed to carry the weapon or not. Bellin College property includes owned or leased buildings and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, etc. Examples of prohibited items include:

  • Firearms of any kind, including firearm lookalikes or realistic facsimiles, and any paint guns or weapons that discharge a projectile by air, CO2 or other gas, or via a spring-loaded mechanism. This includes pellet or BB guns, whether short or long-barreled.
  • Ammunition of any kind.
  • Devices from which an electric current, impulse, wave, or beam may be directed, such as stun and laser guns.
  • Sport, game, martial arts, or theatrical equipment such as swords, clubs, batons, darts, blowguns, brass knuckles, throwing stars, or knives.
  • Bows, arrows, and crossbows.
  • Cutting instruments that are not designed to be used as tools during college related work or educational projects.
  • Explosives or incendiary devices.
  • Fireworks or firecrackers.
  • Dangerous or toxic chemicals, chemical irritants, or chemicals stored or used for anything other than a supervised experiment in a college laboratory.

As required by Wisconsin law, persons with a license to lawfully carry a weapon may have a licensed weapon in their personal vehicle. However, these persons must ensure that the weapon is securely stored and is completely hidden from view at all times. Licensed persons must also keep the vehicle locked and secure at all times, in addition to complying with all other applicable laws. To ensure a safe learning environment and workplace, Bellin College reserves the right to conduct searches including, but not limited to: searching book bags, purses, briefcases, personal vehicles, jackets, and apparel. Searches may be conducted by Bellin College leadership, leadership appointees, security, or local authorities. If a student refuses the search, however, he or she may be dismissed.

Students are also strictly prohibited from making threats (direct or implied and with or without a weapon of any sort) or engaging in aggressive or violent conduct. They may not display or portray as real any object that resembles a dangerous weapon. Failure to abide by all terms and conditions of this policy may result in discipline up to and including dismissal and/or may result in criminal charges. If a student becomes aware of anyone violating this policy or has questions or concerns about this policy or about weapons or threats of violence in the workplace, please contact Bellin College Security or administration immediately.

For more information, including additional contact information for Security, visit here.