The instructor and/or Bellin College Administration reserve the right to terminate a student's connection with the program at any time for sufficient reason. Upon recommendation of the faculty and school administrators, a student may be asked to withdraw or receive a failing grade for any of the reasons listed below.
- Personal health status, which creates actual or potential unsafe clinical conditions or is detrimental to successful completion of the experience. The inability to perform technical standards required for program.
- Absence from class or clinical assignments, which interferes with the instructor’s ability to evaluate progress.
- Failure to abide by policies of the school, the Nursing Assistant Program, or of the clinical facilities.
- Unethical conduct. Examples: cheating, dishonesty, violating confidentiality, stealing.
- Lack of aptitude for Nursing Assistant as evidenced by inefficiency, neglect of duty, or failure to develop personal habits considered basic for Nursing Assistants.
- Failure to meet scholastic standards of the Nursing Assistant Program.
- Failure to have a completed and accepted caregiver background check prior to first day of clinical.
- Failure to have a current health card, including current TB skin testing prior to first day of clinical.