Consideration for others and respect for each person and property is valued within the Bellin College community. The philosophy of the College is that all students, faculty, and staff (members) as well as any College visitors or guests, must be able to study and work in an environment that is safe from harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and other disruptions. It is an expectation that all members, visitors, and guests are entitled to fair treatment and will conduct themselves appropriately, respectfully, and responsibly.
For students, behaviors inconsistent with this premise are considered non-academic misconduct. Non-Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to:
- Behaviors that constitute harassment, discrimination and/or intimidation.
- Conduct which constitutes actual or threatened serious danger to one’s own personal health, safety, the health and safety of any member, visitor, or guest of the College.
- Unauthorized possession, storage or use of any weapon or explosive.
- Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or sale of any narcotic or drug as defined by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin.
- Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in contradiction of State of Wisconsin law and/or College policy.
- Forgery, counterfeiting, alterations, misuse of any College record, logo, document, or ID card.
- Attempts or actual stealing, destroying or defacing materials or property belonging to the College or College members, visitors, or guests.
- Unauthorized entry into or alteration of, any Bellin College computer records or the violation of the College Informational Technology policies and procedures.
- Failure to comply with the lawful directives of College employees or College security.
- Signing into a computer, class, clinical or test for someone else.
- Persistent or inappropriate behaviors that interrupt the teaching and/or learning.
- Conduct that violates the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for nurses.
- Failure to notify the College of ineligibility to practice as a licensed RN in good standing.
- Violations of policies/procedures as stated in The Bellin College Nursing Guide Handbook & Catalog and other College resources.
- Behaviors inconsistent with the College values, mission and/or procedures