Financial Aid Offers

The Director of Financial Aid reviews the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students are assigned a standard cost of attendance budget based upon anticipated costs for tuition and fees (based on program of study and curriculum plan), housing, transportation, books and supplies and other miscellaneous expenses. The result of the FAFSA, Student Aid Index (SAI), is subtracted from the budget and the remainder is defined as financial need. The Director of Financial Aid determines the student’s financial need and screens the student for eligibility for all aid programs administered by Bellin College. Eligibility for individual aid programs may be based on grade level, dependency status, program of study, past financial aid received and other factors.

Financial Aid Offer Letter

When the student’s eligibility for financial aid programs has been determined, the financial aid office will notify the student via email to view the aid offer in the  student portal. The student should review the aid offer in the portal and accept or decline any portion of the aid offer. There may be forms or documents which the student will need to complete and return to the financial aid office for aid to be fully processed. It is the student’s responsibility to read and follow all instructions.

Financial Aid Documents and Forms

Financial aid recipients may be required to submit certain documents to the financial aid office. If a document is required or requested, the student will receive the form from the financial aid office.

Aid Disbursements

Aid will be paid to the student’s account not more than three working days prior to the start of the semester; excess funds, if applicable, will be refunded to the student via a check. Refund checks will be distributed by the College’s Bursar after the published Drop/Add period.

Special Circumstances/Dependency Override

Although it is rare, occasionally, a student may experience certain financial or family circumstances which, while not possible to fully report on the FAFSA, may warrant a re-review of the student’s financial aid eligibility. The term special circumstances refers primarily to circumstances related to income/expenses which may be, in the current year, drastically different than that of the FAFSA base year (two years prior). This may be due to a job loss/layoff, unexpected medical expenses not covered by insurance, the death of a parent or other family member, FAFSA reflects a one-time, non-recurring income source in the base year that is no longer available to the family, or other significant household changes which are not reflected on the FAFSA. It is expected that income will fluctuate over time (therefore the FAFSA must be filed every year) but when there is a significant change due to circumstances beyond the student/parent’s control, there may be a need to adjust data on the FAFSA to reflect the family’s current financial status more closely. In extreme circumstances, the Director of Financial Aid has the authority to change a dependent student into an independent student for financial aid (FAFSA filing) purposes. Documentation to substantiate the student’s claim of self-support is required.

Please note: Department of Education prohibits a dependency override for these situations: parent’s refusal to provide data on the FAFSA or provide financial support to the student, student is not living with the parent or student is not claimed as a dependent on the parent’s tax return. There must be extenuating circumstances which can be documented (by a non-family member or agency) to support such a claim.

Any student who believes that they should be considered for a special circumstances review, or a dependency override should consult with the Director of Financial Aid. If the situation meets the criteria for a review, the student will be given instructions regarding the required documentation.