Student Performance Remediation and Due Process - DPT

Student Performance Notification (SPN)

Academic success is essential for progression in the program. The purpose of the Student Performance Notification is to provide the student with notice of academic (inclusive of lab/clinical) or professional performance issues. This allows for student consultation with appropriate College personnel to determine steps for success.

SPNs are completed by faculty or staff in consultation with the Program Director for academic issues or Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging (or designees) for non-academic concerns.

Examples of SPN categories include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic Performance
    • Failure to meet course outcomes.
  • Professional Performance (inappropriate or unsatisfactory professional performance). Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Unsafe practices
    • Late work
    • Tardiness or absence from lab/clinical
    • Violations of the Dress Code Policy
  • Conduct (violations of the Bellin College Student Foundational Behaviors or Code of Conduct). Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Student Behaviors
    • Violations of the Dress Code Policy
    • Unethical or Illegal Behavior
    • Unprofessional Communication/Behavior
    • Repeated Infractions of College Policies

SPN Category

SPNs are leveled based on pattern and/or severity of the issue, resulting in either Monitoring or Probation.

Students are required to review and sign the SPN. Failure to sign may result in an academic hold placed on the student’s account, thus limiting access to courses, registration, campus resources, etc.

Classroom, Lab, and Clinical Monitoring

A student who is not making satisfactory progress toward specific classroom, lab, and/or clinical outcomes, may be placed on monitoring at any point during their program of study. The duration will be determined by the Program Director.

  • Classroom monitoring may occur when student behaviors are not conducive to classroom outcomes and student success.
  • Lab or clinical monitoring may occur when student behaviors lead to a negative outcome or injury (incident) or when skills, behaviors and actions are not conducive to course outcomes and success.

Failure to meet the terms of classroom/lab/clinical monitoring will result in probationary status. Each situation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Probations – Overview

A student may be placed on academic and/or disciplinary probation. A student may be placed on probation as a progression of monitoring or may be placed directly on probation depending on the severity of the infraction.

Probations are typically a period of one year

  • The student is expected to fulfill the terms of the probationary status as outlined in the Student Performance Notification (SPN).
  • A student on probation (academic and/or disciplinary) is not eligible for Dean’s List status.
  • A student who does not meet the terms of probation as defined on the SPN is subject to dismissal from the program.

Academic Probation

A student is placed on Academic Probation when failing to meet the appropriate course grade or lab/ clinical requirements or in some cases of academic performance. The following results in automatic academic probation:

  • Failure to maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) each semester/session in medical imaging as well as any Bellin College general education courses.
  • Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester in Bellin College major and general education course and summer semester in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Radiologic Science as well as any Bellin College general education courses.
  • Failure to attain a C or better in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Radiologic Science courses.
  • Failure to attain a C or better in a required general education course.
  • Receipt of an unsatisfactory final clinical evaluation.
  • Failure to attain a P in any pass/fail Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Radiologic Science courses.
  • Failure to meet the terms or expected outcomes of classroom/lab, and/or clinical monitoring.
  • Failing the DPT mid-curricular written or practical exam on the second attempt

Each case is reviewed individually. The nature and gravity of the incident, the motivation underlying the behavior, the student’s academic, performance and disciplinary history, precedent in similar cases and other mitigating circumstances will be considered in determining the appropriate action(s). Repeat cases of violations of the College values may result in more severe penalties. Based on the type of infraction, the College cooperates with local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities as appropriate.

The College reserves the right to immediately terminate any student from the program when that student’s behavior, health, and/or performance jeopardizes the safety of the clients, other students, or College faculty, staff, visitors, guests, and/or property.

Students are required to sign the SPN form when placed on clinical monitoring or academic probation. The form provides written evidence of present status, recommendations for improvement, expected outcomes, timelines, and consequences. The signed form becomes part of the student’s official file. A copy of the signed SPN is provided to the student.

Progression Policy

Students who fail a major or general education course should be aware that:

  • A student may be allowed to continue in their program while on probation.
  • A student’s curriculum plan may be altered and likely extend the student’s graduation date.
  • Any failed course may be repeated one time only.
  • Placement in any repeated course is subject to space availability.
  • If a space is not available or the course is not offered the student may be required to exit from the College until the failed course can be repeated.
  • Each student’s situation will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Program Director and the appropriate academic dean.

The student will be notified in writing of their individual situation and must complete the requirements outlined in their Student Performance Notification (SPN) to avoid dismissal from the program.

An incomplete status must be addressed in order for students to progress in the curriculum. (See Incomplete Policy).

Academic Performance: Class/Lab/Clinical Monitoring

A student who is not making satisfactory progress toward specific classroom, lab, and/or clinical outcomes, may be placed on monitoring at any point during their program of study. The duration will be determined by the Program Director. The following may result in academic monitoring:

  • Failure to pass a written exam, skills check, or practical exam
  • Average course grade is below 77% with at least 20% of the course completed
  • Failure of the mid-curricular written or practical exam 1st attempt

Academic Probation

A student is placed on Academic Probation when failing to meet the appropriate course grade or lab/ clinical requirements or in some cases of academic performance. The following results in automatic academic probation:

  • Failure to maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) each semester/session in the DPT program.
  • Failure to attain a grade of C or better in any DPT course.
  • Failure to pass a lab practical for any course after 3 attempts
  • Failure to attain a P in any Pass/Fail Physical Therapy course.
  • Failure to meet the terms or expected outcomes of classroom/lab and/or clinical monitoring.
  • Failure of the mid-curricular written or practical exam after 2nd attempt

Each case is reviewed individually. The nature and gravity of the incident, the motivation underlying the behavior, the student’s academic, performance and disciplinary history, precedent in similar cases and other mitigating circumstances will be considered in determining the appropriate action(s). Repeat cases of violations of the College values may result in more severe penalties. Based on the type of infraction, the College cooperates with local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities as appropriate.

The College reserves the right to immediately terminate any student from the program when that student’s behavior, health and/or performance jeopardizes the safety of the clients, other students, or College faculty, staff, visitors, guests and/or property.

Students are required to sign the SPN form when placed on clinical monitoring or academic probation. The form provides written evidence of present status, recommendations for improvement, expected outcomes, timelines, and consequences. The signed form becomes part of the student’s official file.

A copy of the signed SPN is provided to the student.

Causes for Dismissal from Bellin College

A student may be dismissed from the College as a result of academic-misconduct, non-academic misconduct, academic performance reasons and/or for behaviors that are not in accordance with College policies or values.

The following situations result in an automatic dismissal from Bellin College:

  • Program Participants who become ineligible to practice due to loss of license.
  • Failure to fulfill or resolve academic or disciplinary probation requirements via breach of contract.
  • A student who is unsuccessful in two major courses will be dismissed (see Progression Policy) Exceptions may apply to students in their last session/semester.
  • A student who is unsuccessful in three general education courses will be dismissed (see Progression Policy which also states students may repeat a failed course one time only).
  • Receipt of an incomplete in more than two enrollment sessions or two incompletes in one semester or grading period.
  • If a student is not able to progress in their curriculum plan due to space or course availability.
  • Failure to pay tuition/fees by the prescribed deadline unless arrangements are made with the Bursar.
  • Failure to complete the degree within five years.
  • The College reserves the right to dismiss any student from the program when that student’s health, performance, and/or behavior jeopardizes the safety of patients, other students, or College faculty, staff, visitors, and/or guests.
  • Failure of the mid-curricular written or practical exam after 3rd attempt

If any of the above occurs, the program participant will be notified immediately of their termination, unless a specific performance plan indicated otherwise. The program participant will lose access to Bellin College courses within the learning management system once terminated.