HSRC Guidelines

Each student has an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner in accordance with Bellin College mission and values as an educational institution. Violations of College rules, including violations of each respective professional code of ethics will be handled by college administrative personnel and may result in disciplinary action.

Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in any of the HSRC areas, unless approved by Bellin College Administration prior to the event.

Students attire while in the HSRC during hands on practice includes closed toed shoes, clean clothing, no dangling jewelry, or clothing that may interfere with completing tasks due to safety reasons. Name badges are always to be worn. Bellin College scrubs are to be worn during simulation, check off testing, and during lab course time, at the faculty’s discretion.

Covered beverages with a top closure are allowed, with the following exceptions: No beverages in any simulation areas or medical imaging rooms. Food is not allowed in lab training or practice areas at any time.

All students utilizing the HSRC are responsible for assisting staff in maintaining safety and cleanliness of the lab environment. This includes returning the space to the way it was set up and disinfecting as directed by HSRC staff. Students need to wear gloves while using the provided disinfectant wipes.