Academic Misconduct – Due Process Procedures

If a report of academic misconduct is received or if faculty suspects that misconduct has occurred, the following steps will be initiated:

Step 1: Faculty and Student Meeting

The suspecting faculty member discusses the situation with the student within three working days of the incident or becoming aware of the incident. Then:

  • The faculty may conclude the suspicion of academic misconduct was unfounded.
  • The student may acknowledge the behavior occurred.
  • The faculty may conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of academic misconduct and reports the information to the appropriate Program Director.

Proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Program Director Notification

The appropriate Program Director will determine if evidence supports a claim of academic misconduct by investigating the allegation. The Program Director will meet with the faculty member and the student individually. If the student chooses not to meet with the Program Director in person, the process will continue with the information available. The Program Director may request information from other students/parties. The student may request for other students/parties to provide information regarding the allegation. Each person will be asked to document the details of the incident in writing.

Within three working days of receiving the information from the faculty member, the following may occur:

  • The Program Director may conclude that academic misconduct was unfounded.
  • The student may acknowledge the behavior occurred.
  • The Program Director may conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of academic misconduct and reports the information to the appropriate Academic Dean.

Proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Appropriate Academic Dean Notification

Within three working days of receiving the information from the Program Director, the following may occur.

  • The appropriate Academic Dean may conclude that academic misconduct was unfounded.
  • The student may acknowledge the behavior occurred.
  • The appropriate Academic Dean may conclude there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of academic misconduct and render consequences.

If the student acknowledges the behavior, and/or academic misconduct is determined by the Program Director and the appropriate Academic Dean, who will determine the consequences.

Furthermore, the appropriate Academic Dean will:

  • Assure that due process has been followed throughout all stages of the claim.
  • Review documentation and request additional information as needed.
  • Communicate with the student, as necessary. If student does not choose to meet with the appropriate Academic Dean, the process will continue with the information available.
  • The faculty member, student, and/or other parties may be asked to provide further information.
  • Consult with the Chief Academic Officer.

The decision of the appropriate Academic Dean is final. However, if the consequence imposed is dismissal from the College, the student has the right to appeal in writing to the Chief Academic Officer. Appeals must be received within 10 working days of termination. All applicable documentation from the case of misconduct becomes part of the student’s official file.