The four musculoskeletal lab intensives are held in partnership with physical therapy sites spread across the country, including at Bellin Health in Green Bay, WI. This design decreases costs by allowing students to attend the weekend intensive courses at the most convenient location. Additionally, students may attend as many additional musculoskeletal lab weekend courses as they desire throughout their time in fellowship. Therefore, as the students mature in their skills, they move into growing teaching assistant roles at these weekend lab courses.
Currently, the sites for these weekend intensive courses are listed at the following website:
Fellows-Only Lab Weekends (FOWIs) and open lab sessions are also held in various locations around the country. The Program Director will communicate dates and locations for the FOWIs.
FiTs should keep a detailed mentorship hours log throughout the program as a “back up” copy of their mentorship hours. The log should include dates of mentorship, the number of hours where the FiT was in the lead of care vs observing the FAAOMPT mentor treat, the location of mentorship, types of patient seen, and comments on key areas of growth or areas to work on.
As mentioned previously, supervised/clinical Lab hours will be conducted under the oversight of a Fellow of the AAOMPT, or by a Program Director approved instructor with recognized manual medicine credentials. These hours may be conducted as soon as the fellow-in-training is accepted into the fellowship program. Lab hours will address OMPT assessment and treatment techniques, with a minimum of 100+ hours focused on the spine, and 60+ hours focused on the extremities.
Petitions to have courses/lab hours accepted by the Program Director must be submitted in writing/via email. For further guidelines, see the Clinical Lab Hours Modules in the Graduate Requirements Course within Bellin College's learning management system. FiTs should keep copies of their supervised/clinical lab hour log to support Form 01 submissions as needed.
All fellows must maintain a log of 40+ hours of manual therapy practice with faculty, FAAOMPT mentors, other fellows-in-training, or PT colleagues. These hours will be submitted monthly in the online Form 01 These hours are in addition to the required 160 supervised/clinical lab hours. FiTs should keep copies of their practice log to support Form 01 submissions as needed.
Outcome’s tracking will be conducted as part of the program and will required greater than or equal to four quarters of data over 150+ complete patient episodes.