Injury Reporting

If a student is injured or underwent surgery, the student should inform the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging and Program Director. The student must provide a report from their healthcare provider, documenting any restrictions and/or any prescription medications. The appropriate Program Director will provide clearance to participate in coursework, including lab and clinical experiences.

Any student injured in class should report the injury to their faculty member. Basic first aid will be provided by the College. If further medical care is warranted, the student will be referred to his or her healthcare provider or taken to the emergency department. The cost for care will be billed to their health insurance. The College expects all students to maintain health insurance coverage.

Students injured when performing clinical duties will follow appropriate policy and procedures as designated by the clinical agency. The student will also report the injury to clinical faculty and complete an incident report form with the Administrative Assistant for Student Affairs. Any significant exposure must be reported to the faculty member immediately. If the injury occurs at Bellin Hospital, the student should report to Employee Health Services or in their absence, to the SWAT/Supervisor.

A student who has been absent for a significant health problem (surgery or injury with crutches, brace, or cast) is required to submit a licensed healthcare provider’s note to the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging, indicating any restrictions and/or if the student is able to resume classroom, lab and/or clinical activities.

All students must have an emergency contact on the back of their student ID, along with current contact information in the Student Services One Stop Shop office.