Fitness for Class, Lab and Clinical

All students must report to class, lab and clinical free of impairment from the use of alcohol and/or drugs, and are thereby judged as fit for class, lab and clinical. The following procedural steps will be followed when there is reasonable suspicion of impairment.

  • If any member of the college community suspects a student may be unfit for class, lab, and or clinical, that individual should report the observations to the person supervising the student. That individual will submit a written statement of all observations made at the time of the incident.
  • Any student suspected of not being fit for duty, based on observation of appearance, behavior, speech, or breath odor will be asked to undergo a drug and alcohol testing by a faculty member or appropriate college administrator at the time of the observed behavior.
  • The student will be removed from class, lab or clinical with assistance of the faculty member and/or a college administrator.
  • Prior to collecting the specimen, the student will be asked to voluntarily sign the consent to release of information form for the drug and/or alcohol testing. Refusal to sign the consent to release information form and/or undergo a drug and alcohol test, when there is reasonable cause for testing, will result in presumed positive test results and an immediate suspension from class or clinical pending further disciplinary action. Further disciplinary action may include dismissal from the college, independent and regardless of the results of any subsequent drug and alcohol tests.
  • Any student involved in a reasonable cause circumstance, whether tested or not, will be transported home by a faculty or college administrator. This is to prevent the student from operating their vehicle when possibly under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. If necessary, law enforcement will intervene.
  • When a student’s drug/alcohol testing is positive a student assistance program referral is made, the student’s return to school will be based on the following:
    1. Evidence of ongoing compliance with the recommended treatment plan as outlined by the student assistance program.
    2. A signed return-to-school contract, as coordinated by the Chief Academic Officer, which may include additional drug and/or alcohol testing prior to returning to class or clinical, as well as additional drug and/or alcohol tests without notice at any time within 24 months from the current date.
    3. Successful completion of the student assistance program.

The confidentiality and privacy rights of Bellin College students will be protected. Test results and/or the identities of any student participating in a rehabilitation program will not be revealed to anyone outside this policy without the express written consent of the student.