Academic Advising – DPT

Each student will be assigned a DPT faculty Academic Coach at the start of the program. The DPT faculty Academic Coach will meet with each student at least once per semester (Semester 6 and 8 may be in conjunction with the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education). Objectives of the DPT Faculty Academic Coach are to:

  1. Facilitate communication and support for the DPT student
  2. Foster successful progress through close monitoring of academic performance
  3. Provide professional mentorship and support to students as a means of ensuring academic success and professional development
  4. Provide an avenue for students to relay urgent concerns (illness, pressing situations) to faculty
  5. Serve as a conduit to further academic support and services available such as tutoring and use of the Center for Academic Success, Teaching, and Learning Excellence, and Library Services
  6. Serve as a conduit to further non-academic support and services such as the Student Life Assistance Program
  7. Advise and assess the co-curricular portfolio