Accommodations Services

Bellin College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to provide all students with appropriate and reasonable accommodations for those with documented disabilities. If students anticipate requiring any auxiliary aids or services, they should contact accommodation services in student affairs at

Accommodations for disabilities are determined as a result of self-disclosure by the student. The primary objective of accommodation services at Bellin College is to encourage and facilitate students' self-advocacy. Self-advocacy entails empowering students to effectively communicate relevant information regarding physical, emotional, sensory, or learning challenges to student affairs at The aim is to ensure accessibility to the diverse range of education, programs, and services available at Bellin College. The accommodations process is completed confidentially with student affairs. Before meeting with a member from student affairs, students must have completed and submitted the proper paperwork, which can be found on the website, a member of the student affairs office, etc. This paperwork must be completed by a licensed professional (not a family member) qualified to make the diagnosis and includes but is not limited to providing a description of the disability, including a clearly stated diagnosis and history.

  • Instruments/procedures used to make diagnosis and how the diagnosis currently impacts the student’s functioning in daily life and educational settings
  • Recommendations for accommodations
  • Any related supporting medical or academic documentation

Students must renew their accommodations each academic year by completing the appropriate documentation and sending it to accommodation services in student affairs at The exception is students in the BSN 15-month accelerated program.