Bias Incident Reporting

In order to flourish in an educational and work environment, all members of a college campus must feel safe and respected as equally valued members of the community. At Bellin College we support the freedom for all to express their points of view and the open exchange of ideas. This is true even in situations where those points of view may run counter or potentially be inflammatory to some. However, freedom of expression does not give permission for anyone to engage in speech or behavior that is rooted in intentional displays of hate or to act on their biases in ways that intimidate or threaten the safety of other individuals. A bias incident is defined in the policy as “behavior that is hostile, harassing, intimidating or discriminatory and is based on actual or perceived race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability or other difference.”

The actions of undergraduate and graduate/students are expected to be consistent with the standards of conduct, core values, and student foundational behaviors. Bias incidents affect the well-being and success of campus community members and contradict the professed values of Bellin College; thus, the college has the responsibility to be proactive in preventing and being prepared to address the full range of bias incidents. 

To be considered a bias incident, the act is not required to be a crime under any federal, state or local statutes. Colleges and universities may handle bias incidents through grievance procedures, such as the student conduct process, or through educational programs to enhance awareness and enable prevention of such acts.

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging (or designee) will be in contact with the student who has been accused of the bias incident within five business days of the report.

Hate Crimes

A hate crime is any bias incident that involves a crime of violence, property damage or threat. According to deferral and Wisconsin laws, that can include:

  • Written graffiti on the side of a student's car.
  • A social media post threatening to assault a specific individual because of their membership in a protected category.

While the majority of reported instances of bias-related actions on college campuses may best fit the definition of a noncriminal bias incident, hate crimes do happen on college and university campuses and must be reported to meet Clery Act requirements.

All bias incident reports are considered confidential. All parties, students, and employees are required to exercise confidentiality and privacy in relation to all verbal and written communications.

Reporting Options

If you have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, there are several ways to submit a report:

Students can use the online report form that is available. Once the form is completed and submitted, the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging or designee will follow up.

Students may submit a phone report by calling the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging by calling 920-433-6656 during business hours. If one decided to leave a message, a call will be returned at the earliest possible time during the next business day.

An in-person report can be made by scheduling a meeting with the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging or the Chief Academic Officer.

Why Should I Report

While bias incidents sometimes target specific individuals, they often violate an entire group or community. Graffiti on the wall, defaced fliers, anonymous emails, and slurs or language meant to harass individuals convey a message of intolerance. By reporting such incidents, you help the college community to maintain a positive learning, living, and working environment.

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