Anti-Harassment Policy

Bellin College does not tolerate or condone any form of harassment, whether sexual harassment (Title IX) or non-sexual harassment. The College’s policies afford a prompt response to reports of harassment with confidentiality and fairness consistent with applicable legal requirements, and to impose appropriate sanctions such as probation, suspension, termination, or dismissal on violators of College policy. Bellin College promptly and thoroughly investigates and resolves complaints alleging harassment.

The Bellin College environment should be one of positivity, civility, and collaboration. Bullying/harassment in any form can have a negative impact on the College environment. College administration, faculty and staff are to treat students and co-workers respectfully in every interaction.

Bullying takes on many forms, including:

  • Verbal, mental and/or physical abuse.
  • Threatening, humiliating, or intimidating conduct towards another person.
  • Sabotage or interference that prevents completion or performance of one’s academic or work responsibilities.
  • Exploitation of a known psychological or physical vulnerability.
  • Belittlement of others.
  • Asserting superiority over others.
  • Excluding others.
  • Making condescending remarks to others.

Students at the College who believe they are or have been the object of such conduct outlined above should contact the Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging or another member of the College’s administration.

Depending upon the severity, discipline may include verbal or written reprimand, law enforcement involvement and/or dismissal from the College.

Deliberately making a false report about bullying/harassment for the purpose of getting another individual reprimanded may result in disciplinary action. For more information, visit: